2 WORKSHOPS presented by New Orleans Sign Language Services
February 17, 2018
10am -- 3pm
Educational Interpreting – K-12 Word Choices
This workshop will be taught by Lisa Potter, M.Ed. and will focus on integrating the principles established by RID and the EIPA regarding K-12 Educational Interpreting in making appropriate sign choices and how to use Dolch and Bridge terms/phrases to use working in a K-12 Educational Setting. Decisions related to working with space, classifiers, and modifiers will be discussed.

12 Step Program Interpreting Basics
This workshop will be taught by Adam McCarthy-Brown and Barbara Lovas. and will focus on how to integrate the principles established by RID and how to interpret frozen text and strong words related to working in 12 Step Program settings. Logistic and ethics will also be discussed.

5324 Canal Blvd, NOLA, 70124
(Enter the side door, downstairs, facing Hawthorne Place)
LRID Members -- $35
Non- LRID Members -- $40
ITP Students -- $25
Deaf -- Free
(Pay at the door)
Target level for the workshop is all level interpreters and ITP students. Register and pay at the door. CEUs, CMPs and certificates are only provided to those who attend the whole workshop. Refunds are not applicable. Scholarships are available. The workshop atmosphere will promote an environment of mutual respect, non-discrimination and free from bias. These workshops will be presented in ASL and no voicing will be provided.
Please request interpreters and special accommodations no later than January 30th. New Orleans Sign Language Services, LLC. For more information: Barbara Lovas at nolasignlanguageservices@gmail.com http://www.neworleanssignlanguageservices.com/ or 504-722-2967 cell/text/facetime
This workshop is sponsored by Louisiana Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, a chapter of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. LRID is an Approved RID CMP Sponsor for continuing education activities. This Professional Studies (PS) program is offered for .4 CEUs at the Some Prior Knowledge Level Content Knowledge Level / Co-sponsored the Deaf Church of New Orleans