Vocational Rehab Vocab July 22, 2017 10am -- 4pm
New Orleans Sign Language Services, LLC Presents

5324 Canal Blvd, NOLA, 70124 (Enter the side door, downstairs, facing Hawthorne Place)
LRID Members -- $30
Non- LRID Members -- $35
ITP Students -- $20
Deaf -- Free
(Pay at the door)
This workshop will focus on protocol and vocabulary related to interpreting in a vocational rehabilitation setting.
Hands-on practices, break-out groups, techniques, resources, and study aids will also be provided to participants. .5 CEUs will be provided.
For more information:
Barbara Lovas at nolasignlanguageservices@gmail.com
504-722-2967 cell/text/facetime
This workshop is sponsored by Louisiana Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, a chapter of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf and The Deaf Church.