DEAF DEAF WORLD in New Orleans - October 5, 2019
#neworleansasl #interpreterinternneworleanslouisisna #deafteachingneworleans #neworleanssignlanguageservidesllc #deafchurchneworleans...
New Orleans Sign Language Services, LLC PRESENTS TWO WORKSHOPS on January 21, 2017
New Orleans Sign Language Services, LLC PRESENTS TWO WORKSHOPS on January 21, 2017 The Science of Sign Language 10am – 12pm Jennifer...

Seminary Homeschool Presentation 12/4/16
Come enjoy a sign language presentation presented by New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary's homeschool students. Breakfast pastries...

Interpreter Business Practices Workshop 12/10/16
Interpreter Business Practices Workshop This workshop will focus on best business practices for interpreters and the importance of...

Baby Sign Language Classes
Babies can communicate using sign language as young as 8 months old. Sign language is an excellent tool to provide access to communicate...

DEAF BIBLE CHAT (Wednesdays)
Let us buy you a coffee as you join us for a Deaf Bible chat at Wholefoods!!! DATE: Wednesdays TIME: 7pm PLACE: Wholefoods--3420...

Filling-out Necessary Paperwork
Are you planning to be an interpreter? Are you just starting out as a new interpreter? … Or have you been interpreting for a while but...

Medical Interpreting Workshop
New Orleans Sign Language Services, LLC Presents Medical Interpreting This workshop will focus on interpreter professionalism, standard...