DEAF DEAF WORLD in New Orleans - October 5, 2019
#neworleansasl #interpreterinternneworleanslouisisna #deafteachingneworleans #neworleanssignlanguageservidesllc #deafchurchneworleans...

Grammar Translation Method as Deliberate Practice Workshop
Presented by: Adam M. Parker, BA Rachel Schwartz, B.S., B.A. Barbara Lovas, Th.D., RID CI/ CT, NAD IV, LCD V, MI Certified, MO Licensed...
DEAF MOVIE NIGHT March 30, 2018 7pm COST : Free, of course!!! 5324 Canal Blvd (downstairs door, off Hawthorne Place) We will provide...
DEAF NEWS 3/30/18
DEAF NEWS 3/30/18 check out CBBDC Deaf Community News Please feel free to forward these e-mails to any of your friends -- anyone can join...

2 WORKSHOPS presented by New Orleans Sign Language Services
February 17, 2018 10am -- 3pm Educational Interpreting – K-12 Word Choices This workshop will be taught by Lisa Potter, M.Ed. and will...

DEAF SATURDAYS in the PARK Saturday, March 10, 2018 at City Park Ride a 4 seat bike for FREE for ALL who participate!!! Eat Morning...

Vocational Rehab Vocab July 22, 2017 10am -- 4pm
New Orleans Sign Language Services, LLC Presents 5324 Canal Blvd, NOLA, 70124 (Enter the side door, downstairs, facing Hawthorne Place)...

Deaf-Blind Workshop in New Orleans! March 4, 2017 10am -- 1pm 5324 Canal Blvd, NOLA, 70124 (Enter the side door, downstairs, facing...